Orange Temp Maschendrahtzäune

Produktbeschreibung Orange Construction Chain Link Fence Panel for New ZealandSpecifications1.Construction Site Temporary Fencing 2.Wire Dia.:3.0MM after pvc coated3.Pipe:25mm, 32mm4.Me

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Orange Construction Chain Link Fence Panel for New Zealand

1.Construction Site Temporary Fencing
2.Wire Dia.:3.0MM after pvc coated
3.Pipe:25mm, 32mm
4.Mesh Size:60x60MM
5.High Visibility and Durable
Public Works Panels are 1.0m high, orange 'high visibility' are supplied with hooks and eyes which make interlocking an easy task and usually do not require extra 'feet' as they support each other in most situations.
However flat plate inserts are available when required. Available in 2.4m and 1.2m long panels.

Typical uses for the Public Works Panels is roadside and footpath works involving concrete crossings, excavation, telecommunication, drainage or any other situations requiring low to medium safety or security.

1.2M High Visibility Orange Construction Site Temporary Fencing For New Zealand

PVC Coated Temporary Chain Link Fence

PVC Coated Public Works Panels

Customer Request

Wire Diameter

2.5-3.5MM (after PVC Coating)

Mesh Opening


Panel Size(HxL)

1.0x2.2m, 1.0x3.0m, 1.2x2.0m
1.5x2.0m and so on

Horizontal Pipe

25mm, 32mm

Vertical Pipe

25mm, 32mm

Pipe Zinc Plating Thick


Quantity For 20FT Container

500 Sets

Quantity For 40HQ Container

1400 Sets


Steel Pallet

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